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Fusion requires temperatures about 100 million Kelvin

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Q: What is the temperature which fusion of hydrogen into helium begins?
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When does helium fusion begin in a star?

Hydrogen undergoes nuclear fusion to form helium at a temperature of 107 K

What temperature did the Universe have when hydrogen and helium formed?

Helium is formed by the fusion of hydrogen at temperatures above 3.106 kelvin.

What type of energy is the sun's energy source?

hydrogen fusion

When does hydrogen-helium fusion and helium-carbon fusion occur in stars like our sun?

When hydrogen stocks run out

What fusion in stars occurs to create the element helium?

Hydrogen undergoes nuclear fusion in the core of the sun to form helium.

What kind of change is hydrogen to helium?

nuclear fusion of hydrogen to form helium

Nuclear fusion on the sun changes hydrogen into?


How is helium formed from hydrogen?

It's called the proton-proton cycle. It's the source of the sun's energy. Also called nuclear fusion.

What is the process they generates energy into the core of the main sequence star?

Hydrogen fusion to make helium. When a star runs out of hydrogen in its core to fuse, it begins collapsing, leaves the main sequence, then ignites helium fusion to make carbon, becoming a red giant.

What occurs when Hydrogen is turned into helium?

The result of this separation will be pure hydrogen and pure helium.

What element is transformed in solar fusion?

Our sun mostly transforms hydrogen nuclei into helium by fusion, but it also fuses helium with helium, lithium with hydrogen, and beryllium with hydrogen, to make elements as heavy as boron.

Why do hydrogen and helium make up the sun?

hydrogen & helium combine with fusion of four process