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Q: What is the temple built in honor of the goddess Athena in Athens called?
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What was the grand temple for the greek goddess Athena called?

The Temple of Athens I think.

What was the name of the temple that was dedicated to Athena?

The name of the temple to the Greek goddess Athena is called the Parthenon. It is located in Athens Greece on the Acropolis.

What was the name of the temple in Athens built in honor of the goddess Athena?

The Parthenon is the temple in Athens built in honor of the Greek goddess of wisdom and war, Athena.

The Parthenon was the temple to which goddess?

Athena, after whom Athens was named.

What is the famous Greek temple dedicated to goddess Athena?

The Parthenon in Athens

Which god or goddess was the Parthenon built to worship?

The Parthenon was dedicated to the goddess Athena Parthenos (Athena the Virgin).

Where is temple of Athena?

There are many temples to the goddess Athena. However, the most famous is the Parthenon in Athens, Greece.

What was and is the most famous Greek temple dedicated to the goddess Athena?

The Parthenon in Athens.

Who was the temple dedicated to?

The temple was dedicated to the god or goddess that it was built in honor of, such as Athena in the case of the Parthenon in Athens.

Is goddess Athena Sparta or Athens?

When? Leda, Helen and Gorgo were all infamous queens of Sparta.

The biggest and most beautiful temple in Athens was called the was built to be the home for the goddess of wisdom named?

The Parthenon was built in Athens for the goddess Athena, who is best known as the patron of war, wisdom, and justice.

What is a beautiful temple to the goddess Athena?

Probably the Parthenon in Athens, the city dedicated to the Goddess of Wisdom. The Parthenon featured a large statue of Athena, with the Goddess Nike, a bird.