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Maroon communities.

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Q: What is the term for the hidden communities in the wilderness that were formed by runaway slaves?
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Why was hooverville so hard to find?

Hoovervilles were difficult to find because they were often makeshift communities constructed by homeless people during the Great Depression in the 1930s. They were often situated in marginalized and hidden areas out of sight of authorities and the general public. The name "Hooverville" itself was a reflection of the widespread discontent with President Herbert Hoover's handling of the economic crisis.

What is the symbolic meaning of underwear in the s?

Underwear in literature can symbolize intimacy, vulnerability, and hidden desires. It can also represent a character's innermost thoughts and feelings that they may be keeping hidden from others.

What An example of social steganography would be?

including a hidden message for certain people in a post.

What are the visible and hidden elements of culture?

The visible elements of culture are tangible manifestations like art, food, clothing, and language, while hidden elements include beliefs, values, norms, and underlying assumptions that guide behavior. Visible elements are easily observed, while hidden elements are often unconscious and shape how people interpret the world around them. Both visible and hidden elements are essential for understanding a culture in its entirety.

Where do the most lesbians live?

It is not possible to pinpoint one specific location where the most lesbians live globally. Lesbian individuals can be found in diverse communities and regions around the world. The distribution of lesbian populations can vary depending on various factors such as cultural acceptance, legal protections, and social norms.

Related questions

What is the term for the hidden communities in the wilderness that were formed by runaway slave?


What is the term for hidden communities in the wilderness that were formed by runaway slaves?


What is the term for the hidden communities in the wilderness?

The term you are looking for is "off-grid communities." These are typically remote or self-sufficient communities that are disconnected from public utilities and services.

Why do turkey eggs have spots?

For camouflage and to stay hidden in the wilderness.

Why were posters and newspaper a problem for runaway slaves in northern cities?

Posters and newspapers in northern cities often included descriptions or rewards for capturing runaway slaves, making it difficult for them to remain hidden and escape to freedom. These materials were used to alert the public and law enforcement about the presence of runaway slaves, increasing the risk of being identified and captured.

How do you think runaway slaves felt when they saw the posters?

Runaway slaves likely felt fear, anxiety, and desperation when they saw wanted posters for their capture. The posters served as a constant reminder of the danger they were in and the consequences of being caught, leading to heightened stress and a constant need to stay hidden.

Who published a book in 1962 about the rundown and hidden communities of the country?

Michael Harrington published the book "The Other America" in 1962, which shed light on poverty and marginalized communities in the United States. The book sparked discussions about poverty and inequality, leading to policy changes and the creation of programs like the War on Poverty.

Anyone out there know a lot of Disney secrets Im a huge Disney fan and i want to know every secret of every park in Walt Disney World Florida please answer?

There are Hidden Mickeys hidden around the resort heres one. In epcot don't blink at the golf ball on soarin _______________________________________________________________________ I already knwe that. something that isn't a hidden mickey. _______________________________________________________________________ Did you know that if you stay at the Wilderness Lodge, you can ask to be the Flag Family during your stay? If you are, you get to go to the roof of the Wilderness Lodge and help raise the flags. The view up there is SPECTACULAR!!

What African colony of runaway slaves was based in Brazil?

Quilombo dos Palmares, was a fugitive community of escaped slaves and others in colonial Brazil that developed from 1605 until its suppression in 1694. It was located in what is today the Brazilian state of Alagoas. Escaped slaves in Brazil created thousands of hidden societies, or quilombos. Up and down the Americas, ex-slaves and indigenous peoples fashioned hybrid settlements known as maroon communities. Palmares is the most famous of these.

Is there a Satanic community in Georgia?

There are Satanic communities in every state, but due to the misunderstandings created by brainwashed minds filled with propaganda, many communities stay hidden to stay out of the limelight and to protect their families. Ask around at a few metaphysical shops that may be local, you may find some leads there.

Why did Randy David wrote the poem hidden injuries of the poor?

Randy David wrote the poem "Hidden Injuries of the Poor" to shed light on the struggles and challenges faced by marginalized communities. The poem serves as a platform to raise awareness about social inequality and the unseen hardships faced by those living in poverty.

What has the author Michael Melford written?

Michael Melford has written: 'Hidden Alaska' -- subject(s): Natural history, Pictorial works, Wilderness areas 'Pick of 'The Cricketer'' 'After the Interval' 'Big sky country' -- subject(s): Pictorial works, Description and travel