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that is called the baby's soft spot. which is when the baby's skull is not fully developed.

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9y ago

The spaces between developing skull bones that have not ossified are fontanels.

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Q: What is the term for the spaces between developing skull bones that have not ossified?
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Are the spaces between skull bones that have not ossified called sutures?

Spaces between skull bones that have not ossified usually occur from birth to age two and are called fontanels. By age two, the fontanels close and become sutures.

Are bones living tissue?

yes, they are an ossified tissue

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What are the extra bones developing along the structures between the cranial bones?

Sutural bones or Wormian bones.

What function is performed in the bone marrow but not in the ossified bones of the skeleton?

Red bone marrow makes red blood cells and this is found in all infant and children's bones. In adults most of the red marrow has been replaced with yellow marrow which is fat tissue. Bones that are ossified have fully formed and are adult bones.

How many soft bones do babies have?

There are no soft bones, just incompletely ossified joints such as the fontanels of the skull and the growth plates of the long bones.

What bones in a fetus has ossified at birth?

lower end of femur, upper end of tibia, calcaneus, talus and cuboid have ossified by birth.Among them the lower end of femur, calcaneus and talus are more persistent.

Infant bones are very soft and pliable because of?

They have not been completely ossified, which the process by which they turn from cartilage to bone.

Type of bone that contains air spaces?

Cranial bones contain air spaces. These air spaces are known as skeletal pneumaticity. Bird bones are all filled with air spaces.

Are there any bones in the human body that start with the letter X?

The Xyphoid Process, it is just below the sternum and is usually ossified in an adult human body.

How is infant body structure different from adult body structure?

An infants skeletal structure is not fully ossified

What are the spaces in the bones of the skull called?
