

What is the term lines of latitude?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The term lines of latitude means the lines on maps of the earth that lay flat going north to south that start at the equator, 0 degrees, then moving up above the equator to 10 degrees north, and also below the equator to 10 degrees south, and so on. Think if them as flatitude as if the lines are laying flat on a table.

Longitude lines are the lines that go east to west starting at the prime meridian in the middle of the earth vertical way right up by the arctic. The prime meridian also starts at 0 degrees, then moves 10 degrees east, and also 10 degrees west. Think of them as the long and tall lines.

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Lines of latitude run parallel to the Equator (which is zero latitude).

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No, lines of latitude do not intersect.

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lines of latitude and lines of longitude are the same because they just are.

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Lines of latitude, which include -the Arctic Circle;The Tropic of Cancer;The Equator;The Tropic of Capricorn;The Antarctic Circle.The one in the middle is the equator.Latitudinal lines run from east to west.

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