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Q: What is the term meaning the inability to control excretory functions is?
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Is inability another word for insignificant?

No, they do not have the same meaning. Inability is a noun meaning the lack of capacity to do something. Insignificant is an adjective meaning unimportant.

What is the meaning of each common ailment of the excretory system?

There are many ailments of the excretory system, you need to be more specific

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three societal functions of religion are social cohesion, Social control, and provides meaning and purpose.

Why are lungs considered both respiratory and excretory?

respiratory=breathing excretory= meaning to excrete which means come out or let go of something(feces)

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Masked facies is the term meaning inability or reduced ability to show facial expressions. It is a sign of Parkinson's.

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Tetany is the medical term meaning inability to relax the muscles.

What is the meaning of excretory?

Having the quality of excreting, or throwing off excrementitious matter.

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The inability to limit your portions.

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the inability of people to for tell what is ahead of them

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Astereognosis or somatosensory agnosia is the inability to judge the form of an object by touch.

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Anhedonia is the medical term meaning inability to feel pleasure. Anhedonia is a symptom of depression.

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to bring a condition of helpless stoppage,inactivity, or inability to act.