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Cells immersed in hypertonic solutions lose water and shrink, or crenate.

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Q: What is the term used to describe a type of solution in which cells will lose water to their environment?
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What is the term used to describe the type of solution in which cells will lose water to their environment?

Cells immersed in hypertonic solutions lose water and shrink, or crenate.

What happens to a cell plant cell or animal cell when placed in following solution a hypotonic solution b isotonic solution c hypertonic solution?

When placed in an isotonic solution (i.e. a solution where the concentration of water molecules is roughly equal to the that within cells), there is equal diffusion of water into and out of the cells. Therefore, the cells find this environment suitable. In a hypotonic solution (i.e. a solution where the concentration of water molecules is much more than that within cells) water diffuses into cells as a result of which the cells swell. Excessive swelling causes the cells to burst, a phenomenon called cell lysis In a hypertonic solution (i.e. a solution where the concentration of water molecules is lesser than that within cells) water moved out from within cells to the surrounding medium. As a result of this, cells shrink.

Ocean water is hypertonic to the internal environment of the body predict what would happen to an individual who consumes large quantities of ocean water?

If you drink ocean water when your dehydrated it makes you even more so. In a hypertonic solution water moves out of the cells because the the particles want to have equal concentration gradients. Since a hypertonic solution has a high concentration of solutes in it it makes sense for the water from a cell to move out so that the environment in the cell and environment outside both have the same concentration of solutes. Human cells shrivel in a hypertonic solution, this kills the cells and can therefore kills you if enough cells can't function. answer: the indivdual dies

What cells that are placed in a hypertonic solution of pure water tend to?

Cells that are placed in a hypertonic solution of pure water tend to ___

If cells are placed in a solution with a high concentration of solute water will?

the molecules will pass from the salt solution to the cells.

A water solution that has the same salt concentration as the cells is said to be?

An isotonic solution. This means that the concentration of solutes in the solution is the same as the concentration of solutes inside the cells, resulting in no net movement of water across the cell membrane.

What does it mean when cells are bathed in aqueous environment?

When cells are bathed in an aqueous environment, it means they are surrounded by water. This is important for cellular processes to occur, as many biological reactions and interactions take place in a watery environment. Cells use this aqueous environment to transport molecules and nutrients, maintain their shape, and carry out essential functions for life.

Why is distilled water used as a substitute for a hypotonic solution?

Distilled water is used as a substitute for a hypotonic solution because it lacks solutes and has a lower concentration of particles compared to the intracellular environment of cells. This difference in concentration creates a concentration gradient that causes water to move into cells by osmosis, making distilled water hypotonic and able to potentially cause cell lysis.

What will happen if one of your red blood cells is placed in an environment with a lot of salt?

The water will flow out of the cell into the hypertonic solution and the red blood cell will crenate (crush).

What is a Term used to describe a solution mostly formed of water?

Aqueous solution.

What direction does water move when cells are placed in hypertonic solution?

Water moves out of the cells into the hypertonic solution, causing the cells to shrink and become dehydrated.

What happen to the cells in hypotonic solution?

Gains water