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Yellow Journalism: Journalism that embellishes or exaggerates stories to gain reader.

What came to be known as "yellow journalism" was false or exaggerated reporting, or stories that were intentionally biased. Yellow journalism began in the late 1800s, and it was meant to scare the public, or to push them to believe a particular idea-- such as that a certain group was dangerous and needed to be prevented from emigrating or a certain country was evil and needed to be attacked. The stories may have contained a grain of truth or no truth at all, but their purpose was to sensationalize the news and stir up public opinion. The goal was to benefit the people in power who wanted the public to fear that immigrant group or support a war against a certain country.

Yellow Journalism is when newspapers intentionally lie or exaggerate to scare the readers or try to sell newspapers by using outrageous claims. It first happened during the Spanish-American war, but it later became common in tabloids and so-called "scandal-sheets."

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1mo ago

Yellow journalism is a style of journalism that emphasizes sensationalism over factual reporting to attract readers and boost sales. It often involves exaggeration, distortion, and manipulation of the news to evoke emotional responses from the audience.

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13y ago

yellow journalism is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching

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11y ago

is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers

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whut is yellow jernalisum

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