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Q: What is the terrain of South America like?
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What is the weather like in South America in summer?

when it summer in north america its winter in south america and when its winter in north america its summer in south america.

What is the overall shape of the south America like?

south america is in triangular shape

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What kinds of terrain did it include in the Inca empire?

The Inca empire included a diverse range of terrains such as mountains, valleys, deserts, tropical forests, and high-altitude plateaus. They utilized terrace farming and irrigation systems to adapt to these different environments and maximize agricultural productivity. This allowed them to sustain a large population and network of cities across their vast empire.

What is the ruler called in south America?

There is no single ruler of south America. It is a continent like Asia or North America

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they like a flat terrain like a platue

Is South America Country or a Continent?

South America is considered by some to be a continent and by others (like me), the southern part of the continent called America.

What does South America's flag look like?

South America is not a country. It does not have an official flag. Each country in South America has their own official flag.

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What is the terrain of mesopotamia

What is the terrain like in South Korea?

very cold, because of the humidity, and very hot also because of the humidity.

Which continent are the Andes mountains on?

South AmericaThe Andes are a mountain range in western South America.The Andes Mountains spread along the west coast of South America, through countries like Bolivia, Peru, and Chile.