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Q: What is the the name of the strait connecting to the Atlantic?
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What is the name of the strait connecting the mediteranian sea and the Atlantic ocean?

That is the bearing strait...a treacherous peice of water.

What is an example of a Strait?

The narrow body of water connecting the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, called the Strait of Gibraltar.

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A channel between Greenland and Iceland connecting the Arctic Ocean with the northern Atlantic Ocean.

A water passage called a strait connects what?

It is a narrow straight of water connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea.On either side of the Straights of Gibraltar are Spain in Europe to the north and Morocco in Africa to the south.The Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

What is the name of the strait connects Canada's Hudson bay with the Atlantic ocean?

hudson strait

A strait is a narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water What is an example of a strait on a map Give the name of the strait and what is its location?

Strait of Gibraltar.

Where is the Strait of Gibraltar?

Well, Strait of Gibraltar is the waterway connecting the Western end of the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. Europe is North and Africa is South of the Strait.

What is the name of the passage that connects the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea?

Strait of Gibraltar

What is name of the strait connecting the Arabian gulf and the gulf of Oman?

The Strait of Hormuz connect Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman.

What is a name for a narrow water way connecting two larger bodies of warter?

A strait.

What is the name of the canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?

It is the Panama Canal.

What is the name of the strait that connects mediterranean sea and Atlantic ocean?

The Straits of Gibraltar