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the true answer is light speed

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Q: What is the the speed at which a wave travel through a medium?
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How fast do all waves travel?

It depends on the wave. If it is electromagnetic wave it could travel at an incredible speed 300,000 km per second even through free space But mechnical waves which need badly material medium travel at different speed depending on the wave and then medium

What will happen when a wave travels through a medium?

when a wave travel through medium then sound is produced

What is the speed at which a wave travels through a medium called?

wave speed

Can a wave move through a substance called a medium?

When a wave passes through a substance, it gets transmitted through it. The speed of the wave changes depending on the nature of the substance.

What is the speed at which a wave travels through water or other medium called?

The speed at which a wave passes through water or other medium is called phase velocity.

Why does a sound wave travel through a medium?

waves are easily travel in medium.....

What determines wave speed?

The speed of a wave depends on the medium it is traveling through.

What is the medium through which an ocean wave will travel?

The medium of an ocean wave is water.

A wave that travels through a medium?

We know that a mechanical wave requires a medium through which to travel. The source puts the energy into the medium, and it propagates. A sound wave is a good example of this, and we can contrast it with an electromagnetic wave (like light). Light can travel through a vacuum; it doesn't require a medium for its propagation.

What do Sound wave not travel?

Sound wave do not travel through vaccum as it need medium to travel.

A wave that requires a medium to travel?

A mechanical wave such as a sound wave requires a medium to travel through.

What is a mecanical wave?

A Mechanical Wave is a wave that requires a medium through which to travel.