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Manners are a requirement not an option. Weather you like it or not you have to be polite.

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Q: What is the theme of the story how the cammel got its hump?
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What is the theme of how camel got its hump by Rudyard Kipling?

The theme of "How the Camel Got His Hump" is about the importance of hard work and the consequences of laziness. The story illustrates that laziness can lead to challenges and difficulties, but hard work and determination can bring success and fulfillment.

What is the most popular just so story book?

how the camel got his hump is the most popular story

What is the theme of the short story lenses?

The theme or message of the sort story lenses, is that, " the nothing can compare to human beauty". Well at least thats what i got reading the story.

What are the release dates for How the Camel Got His Hump - 1925?

How the Camel Got His Hump - 1925 was released on: USA: 15 November 1925

What are the release dates for How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin and How the Camel Got His Hump - 1987 TV?

How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin and How the Camel Got His Hump - 1987 TV was released on: USA: 1987

How do you early access to Reality TV Island?

You got to hump them.

How does descriptive language help find the theme of a story?

Descriptive language helps convey the mood, setting, and emotions in a story, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the narrative. By analyzing the specific details and imagery used in the descriptions, readers can uncover underlying themes and motifs that contribute to the overall message or lesson of the story.

I need to write a story for English but I havent got a clue what to write can anyone help me?

What kind of story do you want it to be? Thrilling, moving, hilarious..? All you have to do to begin is think of an audience, theme, and a problem to put your characters in. Then once you've got a resolution and a loose storyline, it's time to write.

How did humpbacks get their name?

because they got something that sort of looks like a hump and someone called them that and it stuck.

If yo are going to get a female baby toy poodle and you have an older male what will you expect?

I had an older male and when I got a female beagle and a yorkie (13 pound one) he didn't try to hump them but he did hump my aunts chihuahua

How many camels does it take to change a dishwasher?

I wouldn't get them to do a job, the last time I asked one, it got the hump.

What is the conflict in the story just once?

The theme of the story "Just Once" is be happy with what you got because if you ask for the perfect life then what you have right now be the better life then the perfect life