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The theological importance cannot be overstressed. It is that this world is not an ownerless random free-for-all. Wickedness will be addressed by God, whether here or in the afterlife. See Psalms 29:10, which alludes to the fact that this lesson was understood well at the time.

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1mo ago

The Flood story emphasizes themes of divine judgment, human sinfulness, and the importance of obedience to God. It serves as a warning against moral corruption and disobedience, while also showcasing divine mercy in sparing Noah and his family. The story is often interpreted as symbolizing both the consequences of sin and the potential for redemption through divine grace.

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6y ago

The lesson is that this world is not an ownerless random free-for-all. Wickedness will not be ignored by God. See also the Related Link.

Link: Evidence of the Flood

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Q: What is the theological importance of the biblical Flood story?
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What similarities are shared by the account of creation and the flood narratives?

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Is the story of Noah and the Flood a legend?

A:Yes. The biblical story of Noah's Flood is commonly believed to have been developed from the much older Epic of Gilgamesh, but Ian Wilson (Before the Flood) believe they are both based on an even older legend that began after the inundation of the Black Sea around 5600 BCE.

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40 D and N in the G F?

Days and Nights of the Great Flood Days and Nights of the Great Flood

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