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Electricity does work (W =I2Rt) ) on a conductor, causing its internal energy (U) to rise. This rise in internal energy is accompanied by a rise in temperature, resulting in heat transfer (Q) from the conductor to the surroundings. It should be pointed out that the term 'heat energy' is no longer used -heat is simply energy transfer caused by a difference in temperature.

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Q: What is the theory of converting electrical energy into heat energy?
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Why are motors lamps and other resistors considered a loads in electrical circuits?

Because they use electrical energy to produce mechanical energy or heat energy

Burning wood in a fireplace is an example of what kind of energy conservation?

Chemical potential energy converting to heat energy -apex

5 examples of transformation of energy?

TV- Electrical energy to light and sound energy Radio and stereo - Electrical energy to sound energy Fan- electrical energy to mechanical energy Toaster - Electrical energy to heat energy Light bulb- Electrical energy to Light energy Battery or cell - Chemical energy to electrical energy

What elements in a curcuit can change eletrcical energy into other forms of energy?

Resistance converts electrical energy into other forms of energy, such as light, heat sound, motion, and magnetic effects.

Why is heat observed when current flows through the circuit?

The heat observed in a circuit is the result of electrical resistance.Under normal circumstances, every electrical circuit has a certain amount of resistance to the flow of electricity. Electronflow opposed by the physical nature of the conductor. This is the fundamental nature of electrical resistance. Whenever this happens, the energy of those electrons is absorbed by the conductor (as opposed to flowing through) which then emitts this captured energy as heat. The higher a conductor's resistance, the more electrical energy is converted to heat by it.

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How resistors are converting electrical energy into heat and light energy?

i really dont know

How does a hair dryer act as an energy converter?

it is an energy converter because you are using electrical energy and converting it to heat energy when drying your hair

Why are motors lamps and other resistors considered a loads in electrical circuits?

Because they use electrical energy to produce mechanical energy or heat energy

Component thet use in gayser for converting electrical energy in to heat energy?

Basically a big dip warmer, a resistive electric element.

How is electrical energy recovered?

In short, by connecting electricity to a 'load', you are converting it to another type of energy. Some examples: Motor-electrical energy to mechanical energy (with heat byproduct) Lamp-electrical energy to light energy (with heat byproduct) Heater coil-electrical energy to heat energy (with light byproduct) Speaker-electrical energy to sound energy (with heat byproduct) The list goes on. Notice that most changes produce heat, even when they are not the intended target energy. This is because nothing is perfectly efficient, and some energy is lost as heat in the conversion process.

Is a lamp that is switched on kinetic energy?

A thing is not energy, it can possess energy. In this case the light, being on, is converting electrical energy to heat and light. The person switching it on, and the switch while it is moving, have kinetic energy.

Resistors allow electrical energy to be changed to other forms of?

All a resistor does is use electrical energy, converting it to heat. so a 10 ohm resistor with 5 volts across it will dissipate 2.5 watts. this will come out as heat, ie, the resistor will get hot.

Which internal energy source produces heat by converting gravitational potential energy into thermal energy?

Which internal energy source produces heat by converting gravitational potential energy into thermal energy?

How energy can change?

It changes from one form into another routinely. Electrical energy changes into mechanical energy (and heat) in an electric motor. Light energy changes into electrical energy (and heat) in a solar cell. Chemical energy (in coal for example) is changed into heat energy (when the coal is burned) which can raise steam under pressure to drive a turbine, converting most of the the heat energy to mechanical energy, which then drives a generator to convert the mechanical energy to electrical energy. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but changes from one form to another.

Electrical energy to heat energy what machine use this?

an elecric heater uses the conversion of electrical energy into heat energy.

What is the process of converting the chemical energy in fuels to electrical energy?

A simple answer is that fossil fuels are burnt. The heat is used to produce steam which drives mechanical turbines and dynamos, which then produce electricity.

List 4 examples of types of energy?

Chemical energy - A battery (Converting chemical energy to electrical energy) Kinetic energy - A ball rolling on the floor Heat - When you rub your hands together (kinetic-->heat) Potential energy - a skateboarder on top of a hill (potential-->kinetic when rolling downhill)