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This Theory has been discussed in Public Finance under Dalton's principle of 'Maximum Social Advantage'. Optimum allocation of resources is that point where maximum marginal sacrifice of people is equal to maximum marginal benefits.

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Q: What is the theory of optimum allocation of resources?
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um, scarcity isn't the problem, scarcity is the term used to define the finite nature of resources and the limitless wants of humans.

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Is economics all about money?

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What is an optimum resource allocation?

Optimum allocation is when productive and allocative efficiency co-exist. Productive efficiency is achieved when when products are made with the least possible use of the resources, i.e, by incurring lowest possible costs in producing them Allocative efficiency is achieved when the combination of products produced provide consumers the greatest possible satisfaction, i.e, goods which are most wanted are produced When both these elements are present, there is also economics efficiency. This means that resources are used in the best way possible, i.e, producing the goods which are most wanted with the least possible use of resources

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the difference in market and government occurs in the allocation of resources and labor division which determines the prices

Why is human resources important to the development of industry?

How the opportunity cost can be applied to the production process for the allocation of resources. How the opportunity cost can be applied to the production process for the allocation of resources.