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Plate tectonics (This is the mechanism), the theory is continental drift.

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Q: What is the theory that the continents can drift apart from each other and have done so in the past?
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What is the theory for the cause of continents moving apart from each other?

Continental drift.

Why is ''cotinental drift'' an appropriate title for wegeners theory?

Because Continental drift is when the continents drift apart because they hate each other.

What theory that continents move apart form each other?

The action of continents drifting apart from each other is called, "Continental Drift". It is no longer a theory, as it has been proven to be so. Of course, as certain continents move apart from each other, they also are moving closer to other continents.

What theory that the continents slowly moving apart from each other?

Plate Tectonicsor continental drift

The theory that continents move apart from each other?

Continents are not tecnically moving 'away' from each other, they are just moving. This is due to the sub continent plates and the volcanic activity in the ocean. As new volcanic matter from the earths core comes to the surface it pushes continental plates apart.

What theory related to Pangaea is Alfred Wegener known for?

The Continental Drift Theory in 1912 Pangaea is believed to be a giant super-continent that existed before the continents drifted apart from each other.

How did pangaea split apart?

The continental drift pulled all the continents away from each other. I LUV MUSHROOMS!

How did Pangea form?

Theory of Continental Drift. This is the theory that continents move slowly over millions of years. The continents rest on sub-layers called tectonic plates which move away from each other, but also grind against each other.

How are fossils rocks and the theory of continental drift connected?

Fossils, rocks, and the Theory of continental drift are all connected because when the continents moved apart from each other, the spreading actually moves the rocks and fossils to another area, resulting in rocks that fit perfectly together but were separated and many similar fossils in different areas. hOPE IT HELPS ;)

What is the Alfred wegener known for?

he thought that the continents used to be one big continent and the plates underground broke and mad our continents todayAnother of his theories was that the continents are moving. He was ridiculed by the scientific community because they thought that the continents were always like this. Wegener's evidence for this was that matching fossils were in south America and also in Africa Other scientist reckoned it was a land bridge connecting the two continents even though there was no evidence for a land bridge. Also was the jigsaw-fit of the continentsWegener's theory is Continental drift- The Earth once had a single landmass that broke up into large pieces, which have since drifted apart.

How does seafloor spreading explain continental drift?

Seafloor spreading is caused by two plates moving apart. This is caused by plate tectonics. Continental drift is also caused by plate tectonics. Therefore, we can conclude that continental drift is related to seafloor spreading. When the plates move, it carries the continents with it, and thus the continents drift away from each other.

Why do continents drift?

The theory is called the Continental Drift Theory. That means that over a long period of time the continents shifted away from each other and formed the earth that we see today. The continents are able to shift and move because they lie on tectonic plates, which are sub-layers that move and float. Tectonic plates cause earthquakes and volcanoes.