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Q: What is the thesis statement on favorite state parks?
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What is the thesis statement on marriage and divorce?

There is no standard thesis statement for anything. When you write a thesis statement, you need to state your argument (what ever opinion you have on marriage and divorce), and then use the rest of the essay to back up your position.

What is an example of a thesis statement on medieval music?

A thesis statement should describe what the entire report is about. Therefore, if the report is on types of medieval music, it should state that.

Is a thesis statement just a statement that loosely says the paper's topic is?

No, a thesis statement and the statement of a paper's topic is not the same thing. A thesis statement has to state the thesis or argument that you as the writer are making in the paper. So, the thesis statement has to tell your reader what you are trying to argue or prove in your paper. To take a very simple example, if you have a paper and the topic of that paper is: What is the colour of the sky? your thesis statement would be "The colour of the sky is blue" because that would most likely be the argument you are going to make in your paper in response to the topic of the paper.

Where does Kozol state he's thesis in the human cost of an illiterate society?

Actually he didn't state his thesis statement directly, but using overwhelming examples to prove it.

How do you state your thesis about native Americans?

Do some critical thinking and write your thesis statement down in one sentence. Your thesis statement is like a declaration of your belief. The main portion of your essay will consist of arguments to support and defend this belief.

What is a theseus statement?

a thesis statement is a sentence that u use when you state what u r writing/typing in the following paper

How do i do a thesis statement on remix culture?

State the purpose of your paper and how you are going to prove it. The purpose of this paper is to_____________. I will prove this by ______________.

The concluding paragraph may contain a sentence that summarizes the statement?

A concluding paragraph should most definitely include a sentence that summarizes the thesis statement. The thesis statement set a goal to accomplish with the essay, and the conclusion should state how the goal was accomplished.

What is the purpose of a thesis statement in a research paper?

A thesis statement clearly informs the reader about the point you are arguing in your paper. You must have a view you want to support about the topic on which you are writing a research paper, or the paper will be a "brain dump" with no clear direction. In a thesis statement, you state your point of argument and very briefly hit on the main points you will talk about to prove that your argument is valid.

Where should your thesis be located?

Your thesis statement should typically be located at the end of your introduction paragraph. It should clearly state the main point of your essay and what you will be arguing or discussing in the following paragraphs.

What is the best park in MN?

There are many parks in Minnesota. Each of them most likely is somebody's favorite for various reasons. See related links for information about Minnesota's state parks.

How To Write A Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement should clearly state the main idea or argument of your paper in one or two sentences. It should be specific and concise, and provide a roadmap for the reader regarding what to expect in the rest of your paper. Make sure your thesis statement is debatable and presents a unique perspective.