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Q: What is the thing that hangs from the inner top lip?
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What does it mean when your top lip twitch?

top lip twitch means to put your lip in your eye and keeep on twitching wierdly

How do you kiss some one?

you have to put your lip on top of his ok the same thing for boy ok bye peace out:)

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you spelled wheel wrong

Why are lips called lips instead of lip?

Because we have a bottom lip and a top lip so we have 2 lips in total! That means it's a plural! Otherwise if we had a just a top lip it would be a lip!

Are there any vains on your bottom lip?

Yes there are veins in your bottom and top lip.

Is your top lip darker than your bottom lip?

only after chocolate milk ;)

Can you take lip balm on airplane?

I think yes because lip balm don't have liquid you can take lip balm on airplane. I saw some people are bring gel and thing that have liquid in it.just bring less than 3 have to but it in the zip-top bag

A lucky horseshoe always hangs with its point which way?

At the top

What is a Muffin Top?

A muffin top is when your stomach hangs over your pants so ppl will call you muffin top

What is the superstitious meaning for a twitching lip?

If the bottom lip twitches it means you will get a kiss. If your top lip twitches you will give a kiss.

Is my overbite the cause of the top lip sticking out more than my bottom lip?

If you have a overbite it can cause the lip to stick out more than the bottom lip. You can go to a dentist and have them look at it.

Where is the best place for a lip ring?

Safest spot for a lip ring is nowhere, you could get an infection which could be dangerous. For personal looks, on the side of your lip has the most attention for lip ringers.