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Q: What is the three most common atmosphere gases on earth?
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What 3 gases make up atmosphere?

The three most common gasses in our atmosphere are: nitrogen 78%, oxygen 21%, and argon <1%.

What are The three most common gases in the dry atmosphere excluding water vapor?

Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Argon.

Why does earths atmosphere trap energy from the sun?

The atmosphere traps energy from the sun because in our atmosphere are greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane. These three-atom gases absorb the heat rising from the earth's surface.

What released the gases into the atmosphere?

There are various gases that are released into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are three of them.

What 3 gases make air?

Oxygen, Nitrogen and Argon comprise 99% of the air.

What are the three most abundant gasses in earth's atmosphere and their percentages?

These gases are: nitrogen (78,084 %), oxygen (20,9476 %), argon (0,934 %), carbon dioxide (0,0314).

What are some effects of the greenhouse effect?

There is a greenhouse effect on Earth because three-atomed gases in the atmosphere retain heat and ensure that the earth stays warm. Other examples of a greenhouse effect are the atmospheres of Venus and Mars. Mercury has an atmosphere but has no greenhouse effect, as the main gases (hydrogen, helium and oxygen) are not greenhouse gases. So Mercury is a non-example of the greenhouse effect. The moon is also a non-example, as it has no atmosphere at all.

What are three of the gases in mars atmosphere?

carbon-dioxide, argon and nitrogen

What are some non-examples of the greenhouse effect?

There is a greenhouse effect on Earth because three-atomed gases in the atmosphere retain heat and ensure that the earth stays warm. Other examples of a greenhouse effect are the atmospheres of Venus and Mars. Mercury has an atmosphere but has no greenhouse effect, as the main gases (hydrogen, helium and oxygen) are not greenhouse gases. So Mercury is a non-example of the greenhouse effect. The moon is also a non-example, as it has no atmosphere at all.

What are the three most abundant gases in earths atmosphere?

Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen

What happens when the sun's heat warms the earth and the infrared radiation goes up into the atmosphere and is trapped by the greenhouse gases?

The greenhouse gases hold the heat. This heat warms the atmosphere around and also back down to the surface of the earth. As more fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are burnt, more greenhouse gases are emitted and the atmosphere gets warmer. This is called global warming, which is causing climate change.

What does atmosphere consist of?

Am not very sure I am perfectly accurrate but think the atmosphere consists of all the gases and particles, nonliving, that is above the earth crust including Nitrogen,Oxygen,noble or rare gases,water vapor, including the cloud, and dust or pollutants depending on the area.