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I think it is the big bang theory, big crunch theory and i don't know the other one.

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Q: What is the three theory of the formation of the solar system?
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What are three current theories of the formation of the solar system?

There are several theories associated with the formation of our solar system. They all point towards a catostrophic event billions of years ago. The first theory says our solar system is the remains of a star gone supernova; the remnants of the stars formed gathered into planets and a sun. The second theory states that there was a gravitational collapse of a small portion of a giant molecular cloud. The third (but not last) theory is that a rogue star passed closely by the sun and caused gas from each to separate from each of them. The sun material formed into what is now known as the terrestial plantets; whereas the ones from the rogue star became the outer planets.

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"The Solar System may be divided by its components into three major components: the inner system, the near outer system, and the far outer system." There are not 7 parts as such.

Are planets in the universe or galaxy or solar system?

They are in all three. Planets are in solar systems. There are lots of solar systems in a galaxy. There are lots of galaxies in the universe. So any planet is in a solar system, a galaxy and the universe.

Where is the Milky Way in the solar system?

There are many asteroid formations in the Milky Way. Of those, three orbit our sun, Sol. The first, and most commonly known, asteroid formation in our system is the Asteroid Belt (sometimes called the Main Belt). It is located approximately 3 AU (448,793,612.1 kilometres) from the sun, and is comprised of mostly rocky asteroids in a belt formation. The second is the Kuiper Belt, a belt formation of icy asteroids and dwarf planets. The third is the Oort Cloud, a theorized cloud of asteroids orbiting far beyond the Kuiper Belt.

What are the three nearest stars to your solar system?

The stars in the Toliman (aka alpha Centauri) system.

What are three largest planets in our solar system?

Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.

What are three way category of solar system?

human,plants and animals

What are the three largest planets in your solar system?

jupiter,saturn,uranus and neptune.

List three bodies that are part of the solar system?

-- Phobos -- Deimos -- Nereid

What are the three types of small bodies in your solar system?

Maybe 3 types

How many dwarf planers do we have in our solar system?

We have three that we know but there may be more