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Kasper, Balthesar, & Malcior

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Q: What is the three wise kings names?
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What are the 3 wise men also known as?

Their names were Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar - known collectively as The Magi.(Magi is the plural of Magus -meaning 'wise man' from which we get the word 'magician'.)

Why did King Balthazar bring Myrrh?

He didn't. The bible does not ever mention the names of any of the Three Kings/or Wise men.

What were the names of the 3 kings wise men?


What was another name for the three kings?

The three wise men?

What are the three kings names of jesus?

Assuming there were three - and most people only assume there were three because there were three gifts, but there could have been more - tradtion gives them the following names: Balthasar, Melchior, Caspar.

According to the Gospel what were the names of the three wise men?

There weren't necessarily 3 wise men. There were only 3 gifts. There could have been 1 million wise men. No names were given in the bible though. Later traditions give them the names Balthasar, Caspar, and Melchior.

Where are the three kings buried?

The 3 Kings, or wise men, were Caspar, Balthazar & Melchior.

What are the three wisemen's names from the biblical story?

The three wise men in the biblical story are traditionally known as Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. They are also referred to as the Magi who visited baby Jesus after his birth.

Where in the bible does it tell us the names of the three wise men that brought gifts to baby jesus?

The Bible does not tell us their names. Nor does it say they were kings; we simply assume that they were of noble birth if they were trained as astrologers. The Bible does not even tell us that there were three of them - it only states three examples of the gifts. You can read the story in Matthew 2:1-12.

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How do you spell the three Wise Men in French?

The French call the Three Wise Men "the Magi Kings" (in French: les Rois Mages). The Epiphany is most often called "la fête des Rois", and the traditional cake is "la galette des Rois" (the Kings' cake). Their names were supposedly Gaspard, Melchior, and Balthazar.

When is Three Kings' celebrated?

January 6th, the Feast of the Epiphany is the day of the celebration of the three wise men, whom I assume you refer to as the three kings.