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Q: What is the time difference between one degree of latitude?
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What is the time difference between two latitudes?

there is no time difference between any two locations separated by x-amount of latitude as long as they are on the same longitude. When they are on different longitudes and separated by latitude count the number of longitudes between the locations to get the time difference

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How much time does it takes if you travel 1 degree latitude?

That would depend on the speed that you are travelling. The distance between 1 degree of latitude is approximately 111km (69 miles).

Difference in local time between 165 degree east and 165 degree west?

same time

How do you calculate the time difference when longitudinal difference is given?

30 degree East and 80 degree west time difference

What is the difference between quantative and quality time in a relationship?

Quantitative time- is how much(time) Quality time- deals with the degree in which the time was spent

What is the difference in time between 2 places 1 degree longitude apart?

4 minute

How is a degree of longitude further subdivided?

A degree of longitude and latitude is further subdivided into minutes and seconds (units of arc, not time).

What is the relationship between latitude and time zones?

There is no relation. Every latitude passes through every time zone.

What is the time difference between each degree of longitude?

The time difference per degree is 4 minutes. (1440 minutes divided by 360). There are 15 degrees of longitude for each hourly time zone, yielding 24 zones times 15 degrees, which also equals 360.

How do you calculate time from latitude?

Every latitude extends all the way around the Earth, and is unrelated to the time at any place.If you were to consider longitude instead, the difference in solar time between two longitudes is(longitude #1)degrees minus (longitude #2)degrees/15 hours.

What is the time difference between Toronto and negril Jamaica?

There is no time difference between them.