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Q: What is the time it takes a way to pass a given point wave What is the time it takes a way to pass a given point wave?
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The time it takes two successive crests of an ocean wave to pass a given point is called a .?

A wave length.

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Wave speed

What name is given to the time required for one complete wave to pass a given point?

The Period

How long does it take at total charge of 10.0 C to pass through a cross-sectional area of a copper wire that carries a current of 3.1 A?

Here we are given 3.1 amperes of current and are asked to find the time it takes 10 coulombs of charge to pass a given point. First ask yourself how many coulombs are passing a given point in one second. If we have 3.1 amperes of current, we have 3.1 coulombs of charge passing any given point in one second. If it takes 1 second for 3.1 coulombs of charge to pass, how long will it take for 10C of charge to pass?

What is the length of one cycle of oscillation?

In physics the distance is called wavelength. Period is the time it takes for one wavelength of wave to pass through a given point.

What is the formula find time period?

The formula to find the time period (T) of a wave is: T = 1 / frequency (f). Time period is the amount of time it takes for one complete cycle of a wave to pass a given point.

The time it takes one wavelength to pass a given point?

The Period

The number of complete waves that pass a given point in a certain amount of time?


What is the wave period?

the time it takes for any two crest to troughs to pass a stationary point.

The time it takes two successive crests of an ocean wave to pass a given point is called a?

A wave length.

What is comulative?

frequency is the number of complete waves that pass a given point in a certain amount of time.

What is the number of waves that pass a given point per unit time is the?

"frequency" of the wave.