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It takes 686.93 earth days. That's 686 days, 22 hours, 19 minutes, and 12 seconds.

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1mo ago

It takes Mars about 687 Earth days to complete one orbit around the Sun. This is roughly equivalent to 1.88 Earth years.

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What planet takes 1.88 earth- years to rotate around the sun?


What is the rotational period of the planet earth?

The Earth takes 23h56m to rotate once around its axis.

How long it takes for the planet to rotate around the sun?

it takes 365 days for the earth to go around the sun once.

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What planet takes 1.88 years to rotate around the sun?

Mars. It has an orbital period of around 687 days or 1.88 earth years.

How many days does it take for the planet to rotate on there axis?

It depends which planet you mean - the Earth takes 23 hours & 56 minutes to rotate once.

The number in Earth days it takes for the planet Saturn to rotate once?

0.44401 days.

What planet does it take 88 days in earth days to rotate around the planet?

The question is inconsistent. Rotation is the period a planet or moon rotates about its own axis. Revolution is the period a planet or moon revolves about its parent planet or sun. Mercury takes 88 Earth days to revolve about the Sun. It takes 59 Earth days to rotate about its own axis.

What planet take 59 days to rotate?

Mercury takes 59 earth days to make one full rotation around its axis.

Which panet takes 59 days to rotate?

The planet Mercury takes about 59 Earth days to complete one full rotation on its axis, which is longer than its orbital period around the Sun.

How long it takes your planet to complete one rotaion?

365.243 days -- if you're talking about days it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun. For any planet to rotate around its own axis takes one day -- one of that planet's days. The moon, for instance, is tide-locked to the Earth, so one lunar day is very close to the 28-Earth-day orbital period.