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There is no time limit for completing tasks in TIP.

You are free to take as long as you like on your tasks. We understand that there are other areas of life that require your attention, such as family, education and work.

However if you are inactive (as in haven't contributed in a while) you will be contacted by a TIP Supervisor to ask if you are still interested in participating in TIP.

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Do you HAVE to join The Initiates Program to become a Supervisor?

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Why was I suspended from The Initiates Program?

Members of The Initiates Program can be suspended due to any of these reasons:Inactivity on the websiteInactivity in the programNot completing TIP missions after several monthsHas completed TIP missions but has not reported the completion to TIP so they can move onA suspension is not a termination. You may return to the program at any time by asking a TIP Supervisor (Xnicola or Skullcandy88).However you will have to restart your TIP training from the very beginning, to reassess what you have learnt previously.

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How can you become supervisor on answers?

You can become a supervisor on Answers by getting into The Initiate's Program (TIP) and completing the assignments given. To qualify for TIP, you have to be a contributor in good standing and not subject to serious disciplinary action.

Is there a deadline for completing each mission on TIP?

No, there is no deadline. Each mission can be done at the TIP member's convenience. The start date is always recorded to be able to track the number of contributions for each specific mission.

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Yes. In order to graduate from TIP, you need to complete all the tasks you are assigned. How long each task takes depends on how much time you dedicate to it.

Is it mandatory for a contributor to go through Special Project Assistant program before becoming a Voluntary Supervisor?

Not necessary. You can e-mail directly at (remove spaces). See related link for more information. We also have the TIP program, where you can become a supervisor by completing the tasks given. See related link again for more info.

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