

What is the time to travel from Pluto to earth?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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With today's technology, travel time for an unmanned probe or unmanned small spacecraft is about 9 years. If you are talking about a ship that transports humans, we don't know.

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Q: What is the time to travel from Pluto to earth?
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How many hours in time travel does Pluto can go to earth?

502 miles per hour

Why does it takes Pluto more time to orbit the sun verses earth?

Because it is further out, it has a larger distance to travel than Earth.

Travel Time at 17500mph from Earth to Pluto?

Unfortunately, there is not a simple answer. The distance between Earth and Pluto is changing all the time. Also, spacecraft follow complicated trajectories to reach their targets most efficiently, using gravitational fields.

How many earth's years would it take for Pluto to travel around the sun?

248.09 Earth years for Pluto to orbit the Sun

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The time it takes Pluto to revolve around the sun is 247.9 Earth years. Pluto's rotation takes 6.39 Earth days.

Can people visit pluto?

As of 2017, the answer is no. We do not have the technology to send humans to Pluto. We don't even have the technology to travel beyond Earth's orbit.

How many years would it take a spacecraft to travel to Pluto from earth?

9 years

How far back in time are you looking when you observe Pluto through the telescope from a distance of 5910000000000?

At its nearest it is 245 minutes and its farthest it is 409 minutes of light travel time away. The farthest Pluto gets from Earth gets from us is about 4,650,000,000 miles.

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How much time is it from earth to Pluto?

12 years

Plutos time to travel around the sun?

Pluto takes about 247 (earth) years for one revolution around the sun. Yes, you are quite wrong. LOL

Why is a year on one planet different from a year on another planet?

This refers to the time it takes Pluto - or the Earth - to go once around the Sun. Pluto is quite a bit farther from the Sun, therefore has to travel a longer path. It also moves slower around the Sun, precisely because it is farther away (for more details, read about Kepler's Third Law).