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Q: What is the tip of the pistil on a flower called?
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What is the female part of a flower known as?

The female organ of a flower is called the pistil. It three main parts are the stigma, style and the ovary.

What is the tip of flower's pistil known as?


What female part of the flower is called?

The Female part of the flower is Called The Pistil or The Carpel.

What is the rounded base of a pistil in a flower called?

it is called as the ovary

Is a flower consider a pistil?

No, its the pistil that INSIDE the flower.

What female part of tue flower called?


What is the female reproductive system called in a flower?

the pistil

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What is the seed-bearing organ of a flower called?


What are the reproductive structures in a flower called?

stamen and pistil.

What is the name of the female part of a flower.?

it is called the pistil

What are the female reproductive organs in a flower called?

The pistil is the female reproductive structure of a flower. It consists of three parts: the stigma, the style, and the ovary. Inside the ovary is a small cavity that contains the ovule that, when fertilized, eventually becomes a seed.