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Dermatologists are the specialists who deal most frequently with cancers of the skin such as basal cell carcinoma.

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Q: What is the title of the doctors who treat Basal Cell Carcinoma?
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How do you treat basal cell carcinoma?

Basal cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer which is very difficult to cure permanently. Most treatments, though, have a good success rate. Treatments include surgical removal, freezing, electrodessication, chemotherapy and radiation. There is no surefire way to cure this form of cancer, although many of the treatments are known to have a good amount of success.

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the people that doctors treat are called "Patients".

What is Mohs surgery used to treat?

The Mohs surgery procedure, also known as chemosurgery was developed in 1938 by a general surgeon named Dr.Frederic E. Mohns. The surgery is used to treat skin cancer, and involves examining tissue right after it has been removed to see whether further tissues are required to be removed.

What is basal tissue?

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer. It is considered malignant even though it rarely spreads. As with any cancer, early detection and treatment is the key. A red spot, change in mole or a sore that will not heal on skin areas exposed to the sun needs immediate medical evaluation.

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Vets treat animals and doctors treat humans. In other words, a vet is like a doctor, only they treat animals. Vets are animal doctors

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Go to the doctors.... Lol