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I think its just called a toe however the heel is callend a gore so I could be wrong any suggestions?

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Q: What is the toe of a sock called?
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Related questions

What is sock ending?

The end of a sock is called a toe.

Why do socks have a line across the top of the toes?

The line across the toe of the sock is the stitching that hold the bottom and the top of the sock together.

How can you get revenge on your sister?

paint your sisters toe nails while sleeping put glue on the toes and get a sock and put it on the glue on their toe nails

What are sock menders called?

The thing you put into the sock while mending is called a Darners sock egg.

What are toe jams?

the bits of gunk that sticks to your toes like bits of sock and sweat.

What is sock puppetry?

A sock puppet is a hand puppet made out of a knitted foot sock. you pull the sock over your hand and invert the toe into you palm so that your fingers form the nose and your thumb forms the lower jaw. You paint or sew on eyes and a nose and paint the inside of the mouth red. Sock puppetry is when you perform using sock puppets. Th link below explains.

Where can someone buy toe socks for men?

Department stores such as Macy's, outdoor sport stores like REI, online toe-sock specific stores like Toe Sox, and general online retailers such as Amazon offer toe socks for men.

What is the middle toe on your foot called?

its called middle toe see "toe" on wikipedia

What is toe in called?

If you mean for an alignment that is what it is called. There are 4 settings, caster, camber, toe in and toe out.

Why is a sock called a sock?

The name comes from soccus, what the Roman wore on their feet

What is a tube sock?

a long sock that is...well a tube it is meant to come up high on your leg for boots or whatever you please.

Scottish dagger worn in a sock?

A Scottish dagger worn in the sock is called a dirk.