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The tone of the selection is informative and neutral.

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Q: What is the tone of the selection?
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Yes, diction is one of the main factors that contribute to tone. The word choice and language used by a speaker or writer can convey various tones, such as formal, informal, authoritative, humorous, or emotional. Therefore, the selection of particular words and phrases influences the overall tone of a piece of writing or speech.

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The title of a selection serves to provide readers with a glimpse into the main topic or theme of the writing. It also acts as a tool to grab attention, create interest, and set the tone for the piece. Additionally, a title can help guide readers in understanding the focus of the work.

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What is a word that means the general feeling of the selection?

Well.... There are two words for this. The first is genre like the genre of the story is mystery but this is a more general category for the book, which is what genre pretty much means. The other is tone, which is the closest awnser to your question. Tone means more along the lines of the feeling or mood.

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