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C language: int (but C is NOT a .net language)

C# language: object or System.Object

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Q: What is the topNet class that everything is derived from in c?
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What is multilevel inheritance in C plus plus?

Multi-level inheritance involves at least 3 classes, a, b and c, such that a is derived from b, and b is derived from c. c is therefore the least-derived base class, b is an intermediate base class and a is the most-derived class.

Why class is not protected in c?

In C#, the concept of protected is to be accessible to derived classes.Let's assume that a class can be modified as protected. When you want to subclass from such class, wait, you cannot see that class, because only the derived classes can see it, but the one you want to create is not one of them (yet).... I think this is the reason a class cannot have protected accessibility

What is meant by inheritance in c plus plus language?

Inheritance in C++ and in other Object Oriented languages is the creation of a class that incorporates a different class. The child (or derived) class "inherits" all of the elements (attributes and methods) of the parent (or base) class. Depending on the design of the base class, the derived class can use methods and attributes of the base class as if they were its own. Typically, however, attributes of the base class are private to the base class and inaccessible to the derived class so as to maintain class hierarchy and data encapsulation.

How do you call base class method using derived class object?

If the base class method is non-private, the derived class can call the base class method implicitly. However, if the derived class overrides or overloads the method, the base class method must be called explicitly. The following demonstrates explicit calls to base class methods: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base(){} void Foo(){ cout << "Base::Foo" << endl; } }; class Derived : public Base { public: Derived(){} void Foo(){ cout << "Derived::Foo" << endl; Base::Foo(); } }; int main() { Derived derived; derived.Foo(); derived.Base::Foo(); // Explicit call to base class method. return(0); } Output: Derived::Foo Base::Foo Base::Foo

What is single inheritance in c plus plus?

Multiple inheritance occurs when a class is derived directly from two or more base classes. class b1 {}; class b2 {}; class d: public b1, public b2 {}; // multiple inheritance class

Type of inheritances in c plus plus?

Single, multiple, multi-level, hierarchical and hybrid/virtual inheritance. Single inheritance applies when one class inherits from just one base class. Multiple inheritance applies when one class inherits from two or more base classes. Multi-level inheritance applies to a class that inherits from at least one base class that is itself derived from another base class. Hierarchical inheritance applies to a base class that is inherited by two or more separate derived classes. Hybrid inheritance combines multiple inheritance, multi-level inheritance and hierarchical inheritance. That is, where A is a common base class of derived classes B and C, and B and C are both base classes of derived class D. Hybrid inheritance is often used with virtual inheritance where B and C inherit from A virtually rather than directly. In these cases, the virtual base class is instantiated by the most-derived class in the hierarchy, D, and this instance is then shared by both B and C.

When you define a c plus plus class what items are considered part of the interface?

The interface of a C++ class is the public methods and attributes that are exposed by the class. In a pure abstract base class, the interface is enforced by the compiler in each of the derived child classes.

Write a c plus plus programme to illustrate single inheritance?

struct A {}; // base class struct B : A {} // derived class (single inheritance).

How are the keywords struct and class different?

The keyword class is not a keyword in C. It is a keyword in C++, so I have added C++ to the category list for this question.The default access specifier for struct is public, while for class, it is private.Struct does not allow you to specify methods, while class does.A struct is not a class, and cannot be derived, while a class can be treated as a struct, if the scope and access is correct.

What is overriding in c?

Overriding relates to derived classes, where the derived class provides a new implementation for a method declared in the base class. The override is said to be a more-specialised implementation of the base class method, which is itself described as being a generic method. However, the derived class method can still call the base class method, if required.When the designer of a class can predict that their class will be derived from, they will normally provide virtual methods. These methods are expected to be overridden by the derived class. Overriding a non-virtual method can have side effects if the method is also overloaded. Overriding just one overloaded method will effectively hide all the other overloads in the base class, which may be undesirable.

What is private specifier in c plus plus?

The private specifier states that the member can only be accessed by the containing class, and not by any derived class, nor by any other code outside of a class.