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Q: What is the top of the heart where the great vessels emerge?
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The top of the heart where the great vessels emerge is?

The Base

Large vessel at the top of the heart?

large vessels on top of the heart are the veins.

What is the structure of veins?

veins are large, thin-walled blood vessels that carry blood to the heart!!!!

What is the name of the great artery leading from the heart to the body?

The great artery leading from the heart to the body is called the aorta.

What blood vessels connect with right atirum?

The two blood vessels that connect to the right atrium are the superiorvena cava (from the top half of the body) and the inferior vena cava (from the lower half of the body). They are both veins carrying unoxygenated blood back to the heart and subsequently, the lungs, to be oxygenated.

Force blood puts on vessels?

This is called blood pressure. It is measured using a sphygmomanometer and is expressed in a fraction format. For example, a normal BP is considered to be 120/80. The top number is the systolic pressure, which is the pressure exerted on the blood vessels during a heart beat. The lower number, diastolic pressure, is the pressure when the heart is at rest. The difference between these numbers (40) is the pulse pressure. This is the pressure your heart is actually creating, or how hard it is working.

Was the titanic top speed?

The top speed for the Olympic-Class vessels was probably about 23 knots.

What is the name of the vessel that brings blood to the heart?

The vessels that bring blood back to the heart are called the veins.The vessel that brings blood back to the heart is the vein. The major blood vessels include the superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary veins.---- == == VeinBlue blood...veins are the blood vessels that carry the oxygen-poor or blue blood from the body towards the heart.

Are the atrium on top of the heart?

Not exactly, they are the upper chambers of the heart, but inside, not "on top of".

What are the Chambers top of the heart?

The top of the heart is called the apex. The left and right ventricles are located in the apex of the heart.

What is a Aorta in a heart?

the great arterial trunk that carries blood from the heart to be distributed by branch arteries through the body .(noun)

What are some good healthy heart diet plans?

Heart health is very important, and it is great that you want to keep your ticker in tip-top shape. Here are some links to the best plans: