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Q: What is the total ATP produced at the end of electron transport?
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Related questions

What role does ATP have in the electron transport chain?

ATP is produced as a result of the ETC and chemiosmosis.

Which high-energy molecule and electron carrier are produced by the light reaction of photosynthesis?

NADPH and ATP are produced by the light reactions. The ATP is a high energy molecule produced by photophosphorylation while the NADPH is produced at the end of the electron transport chain.

Where are most of the ATPs produced in respiration?

Most of the ATP are produced in the Electron Transport Chain.

Where are most of the ATP produced in the aerobic respiration?

Electron transport chains

What is mass produced in the electron transport chain?

In the electron transport chain, the main product that is mass produced is adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is a high-energy molecule that serves as the primary source of cellular energy. It is generated by the electron transport chain through a series of redox reactions involving the transfer of electrons from electron donors to electron acceptors, ultimately resulting in the production of ATP.

The majority of ATP is produced in what stage of Aerobic respiration?

In the Electron Transport System

Where are most of the ATP molecules produced in aerobic reparation?

Electron transport chains

During which stage of complete celluar resperation is most of the atp produced?

The stage of cellular respiration in which most ATP is produced is the electron transport chain.

How many ATP does electron transport chain produce?

It produces 34 ATP's

What does the electron transport train produce?

The electron transport chain is used to make ATP.

How many ATP molecules are produced in the Electron Transport Chain?

34 ATP Molecules are produced

Which stage is complete cellular respiration is most of the ATP produced?

Electron transport chain reactions