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Q: What is the total length of digestive tract?
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How long is a cats digestive tract?

A dog's digestive tract is about 5 times the length of its body.

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Is the planaria digestive tract complete or incomplete?

Mammals have a complete digestive tract, it starts from mouth to anus. Although each species have some different type and length of tract, they have esophagus, ventriculus, intestinum which function to support a complete food metabolism. Besides, some digestive glands also support this function.

What is the total length of the human digestive?

4 metres

What is the last part of the digestive tract?

The anus is the last part of the digestive tract.

What is the wavelike movement of the digestive tract?

That wavelike movement of the digestive tract is known as peristalsis.

Do the liver and pancreas lay in the digestive tract?

The digestive tract consists of the mouth, the throat, the stomach, the intestines, the rectum, and the anus. The liver and pancreas are attached to the digestive tract by the means of tubes, so they can supply their own digestive fluids and enzymes, however they do not lay within the digestive tract.

What are the measurements of the chickens digestive system?

The small intestine of a chicken is 4.5 feet in length. A chicken's esophagus is around 35 cm long, which covers 17% of the digestive tract.

What are the names of all parts of the digestive system?

the parts are: mouth, tongue, palate, bolus, teeth, espigolthis, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, gallbladder, liver, small intestine large intestine. if u don't feel satisfied u may look at

The digestive system is also known as?

the digestive tract

Where does food pass in the digestive system?

The Digestive Tract

Where does the microflora grow in the digestive tract?

E. coli bacteria grow in the digestive tract.