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Q: What is the transfer of nitrogen from the atmosphere ton plants and back again?
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What is the transfer of nitrogen from the atmosphere to plants and back to the atmosphere or directly into plants again?

Nitrogen cycle

How do animals and plants get nitrogen from the nitrogen cycle?

They use the nitrogen in the food they eat to form their bodies, particularly proteins. They throw out excess nitrogen with the help of excretion, and their bodies are decomposed after death into various forms of nitrogen, too.

What is atmospheric nitrogen?

Certain plants (notably legumes - beans) and many bacteria act as nitrogen fixing agents, taking nitrogen from the air and producing nitrogen compounds by combining nitrogen with other elements. Nitrogen fixation can also occur as a result of lightning and some human activities, such as combustion. Other than that, it stays in the atmosphere, and fixed nitrogen eventually returns to the atmosphere, as well, to begin the cycle again.

What contains to bacteria convert nitrogen into?

the ammonia is converted by bacteria into ammonium to be used again by plants and bacteria.

How does the nitrogen cycle works and why it is important to living oranisms?

Nitrogen is the major component of earth's atmosphere. It enters the food chain by means of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and algae in the soil. This nitrogen which has been 'fixed' is now available for plants to absorb. These types of bacteria form a symbiotic relationship with legumes--these types of plants are very useful because the nitrogen fixation enriches the soil and acts as a 'natural' fertilizer. The nitrogen-fixing bacteria form nitrates out of the atmospheric nitrogen which can be taken up and dissolved in soil water by the roots of plants. Then, the nitrates are incorporated by the plants to form proteins, which can then be spread through the food chain. When organisms excrete wastes, nitrogen is released into the environment. Also, whenever an organism dies, decomposers break down the corpse into nitrogen in the form of ammonia. This nitrogen can then be used again by nitrifying bacteria to fix nitrogen for the plants. For more information please visit this website, it is has a great explaination of the entire process in great detail: Also, to see a good diagram that explains it visually check out this image

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What is the transfer of nitrogen from the atmosphere to plants and back to the atmosphere or directly into plants again?

Nitrogen cycle

How is nitrogen cycle?

when nitrogen go from soil to back in atmosphere due to nitrogen fixing bacteria then it again return to soil due to lightning, dead animals, roots of plants and by other ways. and again go to atmosphere in this way nitrogen cycled.

How do plants and animals get nitrogen if not from atmosphere?

nitrogen comes to the soil from atmosphere through lightening plants getthis nitrogen from the root nodules or collect it themselves . Animals eat these plants and get this nitrogen and again this animal is killed by other one and the nitrogen passes to it this process continues like a cycle

What effect do nitrogen oxides have on the environment?

nitrogen moves from air to soil, from soil to plants and animals, and back to air again:) true answer got it from the my science text book since i had to search for the answer for my hw

Why is the nitrogen cycle important to living thing?

nitrogen cycle is important because the plants make protein from it. The rhizobeam present at the root noddles of legumes convert nitrogen into soluble form like nitrates and nitrides. this are absorbed by plants. animals eat the plants when they did their are certain bacteria present in the soil which convert the soluble form into atmospheric nitrogen. this is nitrogen cycle.

How do animals and plants get nitrogen from the nitrogen cycle?

They use the nitrogen in the food they eat to form their bodies, particularly proteins. They throw out excess nitrogen with the help of excretion, and their bodies are decomposed after death into various forms of nitrogen, too.

What role does the denitrification play in the nitrogen?

When organisms die, decomposers return nitrogen to the soil as ammonia. The ammonia may be taken up again by producers. Other soil bacteria convert nitrates into nitrogen gas in a process called denitrifrication. this process releases nitrogen into the atmosphere once again.

What is atmospheric nitrogen?

Certain plants (notably legumes - beans) and many bacteria act as nitrogen fixing agents, taking nitrogen from the air and producing nitrogen compounds by combining nitrogen with other elements. Nitrogen fixation can also occur as a result of lightning and some human activities, such as combustion. Other than that, it stays in the atmosphere, and fixed nitrogen eventually returns to the atmosphere, as well, to begin the cycle again.

What organisms are responsible for producing nitrogen compounds and what is this process called?

Decomposers are responsible for producing nitrogen compounds, This continual transfer of nitrogen from the non living part of the environment to the living part and back again is called the nitrogen cycle.

What is an explanation of the nitrogen cycle?

Nitrogen cycle begins like every other cycle in the Biogeochemical cycle.Nitrogen is an unstable gas in it's octet form but the normal Nitrogen is stable so during nitrogenation;which is the formation of free Nitrogen in the atmosphere,nitrogen is being broken down during lightening and thunderstorms so,it becomes free in the atmosphere and can now combine with other compounds.During rainfall,Nitrogen combines with water to form Nitric acids and with sulphur to form NITROGEN SULPHIDE.These two compounds of Nitrogen are then incorporated into the soil during Nitrogen fixation. The soil alone can not convert this Nitrogen into usable or rather consumable Nitrogen so only root noddles of leguminous plants like Beans can convert this nitrogen into usable one because they have nitrogen fixing bacteria like Rhizobium nigricans . But there are also some free living bacteria in the soil named Azotobacter which help in converting this nitrogen in the soil into usable Nitrogen so that plants can use it for growth.When these nitrogen compounds have been converted into usable nitrogen,plants now use it to produce food energy which are later on eaten upon by animals for growth.This process is called feeding like we all know.When these plants and animals die,their dead bodies decay and are embedded into the soil.Micro organisms now eat on these dead bodies.A process called putrefaction.These decomposed matters are later on converted into Ammonia in a process called Amonification by nitrogen fixing bacteria.The same Ammonia is converted into Nitrites and later on into nitrates by Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacters bacteria respectively and some of the nitrates are lost into the underneath soil a process called leaching during erosion by water and the nitrates are also absorbed by plants during food chain a process called Assimilation.The nitrates and nitrites are later sent back into the atmosphere during denitrification which is the reduction of nitrates back into the largely inert nitrogen gas (N2), completing the nitrogen cycle. This process is performed by bacterial species such as Pseudomonas and Clostridium in anaerobic conditions. They use the nitrate as an electron acceptor in the place of oxygen during respiration. These facultatively anaerobic bacteria can also live in aerobic conditions.Without forgetting that during thunder storms,Nitrogen is also sent back into the atmosphere.

How do bacteria help the nitrogen cycle?

Actually nitrogen exist in the atmosphere in dinitrogen (N2) form and cannot be utilized directly. As such bacteria help in converting atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia which then can be used by the plants.

What contains to bacteria convert nitrogen into?

the ammonia is converted by bacteria into ammonium to be used again by plants and bacteria.