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Coeur d'Alene means "Heart of an awl" in French. The Coeur d'Alene tribe was given this name by the French because of their cleverness and skill in trading. The tribe's name in their own language is Schitsu'umsh, which means "The Discovered People." Coeur d'Alene is also the name of a modern resort town and its adjacent lake in northern Idaho.

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"Coeur d'Alene" translates to "heart of an awl" or "sharp-hearted" in English.

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The address of the Museum Of North Idaho is: Po Box 812, Coeur D Alene, ID 83816-0812

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There are a number of places one can visit online to find information about the real estate market in Coeur 'd Alene Idaho. One online source is Zillow.

Where is Coeur d' Alene located?

Coeur d'Alene is a city in northern Idaho, located near the border with Washington state. It is situated on the shores of Coeur d'Alene Lake and is known for its outdoor recreational opportunities, including hiking, biking, and water sports.

What Idaho counties were named after Native American tribes?

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What is the distance between Portland and Coeur d' Alene?

1,000,000 miles away. theres some good knowledge for you!!!

How far from Spokane to coeur a alene Idaho?

33 miles

Where in Idaho do the Coeur D Alene Indians live?

second tribe up top in the panhandle in Idaho, they also live in Canada and Montana

What is the phone number of the Museum Of North Idaho in Coeur D Alene Idaho?

The phone number of the Museum Of North Idaho is: 108-664-3448.

Are the Coeur d Alene hunters or gathers?

The Coeur d'Alene were primarily hunters, but they also gathered plant foods such as roots, berries, and seeds. They had a diet that consisted of a variety of foods from both hunting and gathering.

Is George Clooney acttually 5'8 inches tall?

Im in Coeur D' Alene Idaho and he came here last year and the answer is folks.....Yes he is 5'8.