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Trichotillomania is an impulse control disorder that is mostly attributed to other personality disorders like depression, anxiety, etc. although there is no "true" cause.

An impulse control disorder where you pull out your own hair.

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Q: What is the true cause of Trichotillomania aslo known as severe obsessive compulsive hair pulling?
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How can you tell if you have Obsessive compulsive disorder ?

If you did have it, you would have most of the symptoms - but there are charts you can take to find out if you do and how severe it is

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OCD cannot be classified as insanity. It IS a mental problem but not as severe as schizophrenia for example.

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What is the prognosis for obsessive compulsive disorder?

if untreated, can last for decades, fluctuating from mild to severe and worsening with age. When treated by a combination of drugs and behavioral therapy, some patients go into complete remission

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Prolonged, repeated, and severe abuse can cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD may include obsessive (intrusive) thoughts and compulsive acts.

Was howard hughs schitzophrenic?

No but he had mental illness. Schizophrenic patients do not always recognize what is real and severe depression is another mainstay. He knew what was real and even in his reclusive period although his behavior was odd , was not constantly depressed. He was extremely Obsessive compulsive and had severe mood swings and a medical ailment may have accounted for some of it as well.

What surgery is available for severe cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder?

The most common operation involves removing a section of the brain called the cingulate cortex. The serious side effects of this surgery for some patients include seizures, personality changes and less ability to plan