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lava tube

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Q: What is the tunnel where the lava travels to the top called?
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What is the tunnel that lava travels to reach the top of the volcano called?

The "tunnel" that magma travels through is called a vent.

What is the tube that lava travels through?

It travels through a "Pipe" and explodes out the "Vent", or possibly the "Side Vent", and another world for the hole at the top is the Crater.

What is a mountain with a hole at the top called?

It is called a volcano, the hole is for the lava to come out.

What is the tunnel that magma goes through to reach the top of a volcano called?


What do you call the hole on top of a volcano through which lava flows?

It is called a crater.

Why doesnt the type of eruption that produce a lava plateau produce a volcanic mountain instead?

first lava flows out of several long cracks in an area. the thin runny lava travels far before cooling and solidifying. again and again floods of lava flow on top of earlier floods. After millions of years these layers of lava can form high plateaus!

Does the Earth's surface turn to ash when a volcanoe erupts?

Yes. When a volcano erupts, the top of it blows off. The lava spits out the top and it travels down the side. When the lava hits the ground, over the years it turns to ash and mabe 10 years later, it turns into a black, powdery dirt.

What is the shape of the volcano of the shield volcano?

It could be called a cone, except the top part is "cut" off. A cone with the top cut off is called a conicalfrustum. See related links below.

Why is the lava at the top of lamp?

Because the lava is heated and it floats to the top. It is heated and the lava gets less dense than the water so again it floats to the top.

What happens when the lava reaches the top of the volcano?

Lava at the top of a volcano will generally flow downhill.

How are lava form?

Lava is molten rock. The rock deep inside the earths mantle is always molten, and when it occasionally breaks through to the surface, the opening is called a volcano, and the liquid rock spilling out of the top is lava.

What happens to lava when a volcano erupt?

lava shoots out of the top