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Q: What is the turnover rate in the dental hygienist field?
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Typical advancement of a commissioned officer to Captain can come in four to five years. This will also be career field dependent, as a career field with a higher turnover rate (such as most combat arms) will see faster advancements in rank promotions than a career field with a lower turnover rate.

Given the current job market, would completing Dental Hygienist training give me a good chance of obtaining employment?

The field that seems to be consistently hiring in the current job climate is in health care. While nursing at different levels of training holds the most promise, many other areas are also growing. Dental Hygienist training should offer you the possibility of good, ongoing employment. You'll get a better feel if you ask about the rate of employment of graduates of the program of study and if you speak with a few dentists or dental office administrators in your area to find out if they are having difficulties finding qualified Hygienists.

What is the average salary for a dental hygienist in California?

In Southern California, the going rate is $400 per day which is equivalent to $50 p/hour. Don't go lower than that girls!!..or gentlemen :)

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The Marketplace and Dental Hygienist Training?

If you’re considering a career as a dental hygienist, you should know you’d be getting into one of the fastest-growing careers in today’s job market. Surveys rank dental hygiene in the top 30 occupations in terms of growth, and it is moving up. It’s a well-paid career as well, with the average hygienist making a salary of upwards of $70,000 per year. Most hygienists work for multiple dentists on an hourly rate ranging from around $30 to $40 per hour. Others work in community dental clinics and at university health centers. So, why is this field booming and how does its growth impact the kind of dental hygienist training you’ll need to enter the field? If your grandparents are still with us, ask them what dental care was like, “back in the day.” They’ll tell you most people only went to a dentist when they absolutely had to – like for a toothache that just wouldn’t get better. Dentists back then principally pulled teeth and filled cavities. Orthodontics was in its infancy and a highly expensive endeavor available only to the wealthy. Employer provided dental insurance was a rarity. The concept of preventive dental care was barely getting out of the gate, spurred by fluoridation. Today dental technology has exploded, and modern dentists have a multitude of new tools and techniques available to them. Preventive dental care is now at the forefront of dentistry and literally tens of thousands of people now have dental coverage. Consequently many dentists no longer have the time nor the desire to perform some of the more routine preventive dental procedures, like prophylaxis – teeth cleaning – or periodontal scaling. In ever increasing numbers, they are bringing in dental hygienists to perform these functions. In the near future, as more and more older dentists who prefer to reserve these procedures for themselves retire, the demand for dental hygienists will grow even more. The implications of this trend for dental hygienist training may not be immediately obvious. It’s a “sellers market” for dental hygienist services – meaning the demand for hygienists is greater than the available supply. When the situation was reversed – when the demand for dental hygienists was low, the type of training a potential hygienist had was a bigger factor. Again, “back in the day” if you lived in Illinois and wanted to get into the field, you would get a huge competitive advantage if you got your dental hygienist training at the dental school of the University of Illinois at Chicago, or at Northwestern University. Today, you have a whole new set of options available to you. Many community colleges offer two year associate degree programs in dental hygiene which will prepare you to pass the licensing test and are more than sufficient to compete in today’s job market.

What is the definition of staff turnover?

In a human resources context, turnover or staff turnover or labour turnover is the rate at which an employer gains and loses employees. Simple ways to describe it are "how long employees tend to stay" or "the rate of traffic through the revolving door".

How much money does dental hygienist make?

It seems the national average is about $30 an hour as of 8/2007. This varies greatly by region. Bigger cities tend to pay more, as much as $50-55 an hour in metro California. $40-$45 an hour in Seattle. As low as $15-20 in economically depressed areas.Some places pay a percentage of actual production, others pay a salary, and others pay a daily rate. Hourly pay seems most common.Many positions are part-time and therefore lack benefits other than free or discounted dentistry. However, Full-time positions with benefits can be found, especially at corporate or "chain" dental offices.I make $36 an hour with full benefits, which is average for my area (Portland, OR)"Median hourly earnings of dental hygienists were $30.19 in May 2006. The middle 50 percent earned between $24.63 and $35.67 an hour. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $19.45, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $41.60 an hour.""Earnings vary by geographic location, employment setting, and years of experience. Dental hygienists may be paid on an hourly, daily, salary, or commission basis.""Benefits vary substantially by practice setting and may be contingent upon full-time employment. According to the American Dental Association, 86 percent of hygienists receive hospital and medical benefits." -Bureau of Labor StatisticsAlso keep in mind that the average starting out hygienist will make around $30,000 their first few year. As while they have more experience they can get an average of about $70,000. In some areas they pay can be even over $90,000. Dental hygien is a great career to look into especially in the future. The need will keep going up.It seems the national average is about $30 an hour as of 8/2007. This varies greatly by region.Dental hygienist salary is among top 10 highest in the States.There are the following ways possible:hourlydailymonthlyon commission basisDental hygienist salary varies greatly depending on the geographical location, employment setting, and experience.Over the last years the median dental hygienist salary has been nearly $67, 860 per year ranging $44,900 - $92,860 from place to place. This information was revealed by the the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. If you switch to an hourly scale dental hygienist salary comes to $32,63 per hour.Vast majority of dental hygienists work in dentist offices. Here the median dental hygienist salary is about $68,160 per year.The highest salary is in Alaska. Here dental hygienists can earn up to $96, 260 per year! The salary is high because of small number of dental hygienists there. The next comes the State of Washington. Here dental hygienist salary can be near $90,000. The State of Michigan has the highest concentration of dental hygienists and here the salary is about $59,640.

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