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Q: What is the two features of Canada?
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What are the two features of Canada?

rocky mountains

What are two features that the US and Canada share?

land and water

Canada's physical features?

There are a great many wonderful physical features found in Canada. These features include extensive forests and bodies of water.

What are the geographic features of Canada?

waterfalls and woods

What are some interesting features of CaNADA?

Interesting features of Canada include that it is home to the longest street in the world and it is the second largest country by land mass. Canada gets its name from the word Kanata, which means village.

What two geographic features does the United States share with Latin America?

None Latin America shares the Western Hemisphere with the United States and the Canada.

What are upper Canada's physical features?

Upper Canada ceased to exist as a political entity in 1841.

What are Canada east physical features?

Canada's eastern region is characterized by the rugged Appalachian Mountains in the south, the vast boreal forests in the interior, and the picturesque coastal areas along the Atlantic Ocean. The region also includes the stunning St. Lawrence River and the expansive Great Lakes.

What are two physical features that the US and Canada share?

there are many. the great lakes atlantic pacific rockies great plains and Niagra Falls

Is the Niagara Falls one of Canada's physical features?

Yes it is

How does physical features have an affect on life in the US and Canada?


What are the climate and major physical features in Canada?

its mased up