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The two houses are the Senate and the House of Representatives. Together, they make up the Congress.

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11y ago

The two house legislature is specifically called bicameral.

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8y ago

A bicameral congress is one with a two-part legislature.

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10y ago

House of Represenatives and the Senate

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Q: What is the two house legislature referred to as?
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What A two house legislature referred to as a?


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A two-house legislature is also called a unilateral legislature?

A two house legislature is not called a unilateral legislature, it is called a bicameral legislature.

What are two houses of legislature?

Two houses of legislature are the House of Representatives and the House of Senates or Senators.

A two-house legislature is called a unicameral?

No. A two-house legislature is called a bicameral legislature. Please note that "bicameral" is an adjective, not a noun.

What is a two-house legislature?


The Parliament is a uncameral legislature?

Incorrect. The United Kingdom's Parliament is a bicamerallegislature because it is comprised of two independent chambers: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. These are referred to as the lower house and the upper house, respectively.In a unicameral legislature, there is only one chamber, as is the case in, for example, Norway or Denmark.

Which of these featured a two house legislature with the lower house based on population?

which of these featured a two house legislature with the lowerr house based on population

What are the senate and the House of Representatives called?

The United States Senate and House of Representatives are collectively termed the "Congress" or "Legislature."

What is a one house legislature called?

unicameral A one house legislature is a unicameral. A two house legislature is a bicameral.