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Q: What is the type of cell attachment that resembles quilting with proteins acting as stitches?
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What stitch length is correct for piecing a quilt?

I like sewing 12 to 14 stitches per inch.The reason being, when you have to take out stitching ( and at some point you will ! ) they are not so close, that it becomes an impossibility.Also, the stitches are close enough together, that when you are strip quilting, your work is not going to come apart when you cut your pieces.The setting on most machines is 2 or 2.5.Sew on a scrap piece and count how many stitches you sewed in 1 inch.Adjust accordingly.

Is patchwork a form of sewing?

Yes, patchwork is a form of sewing since patches are sewn together to form patchwork.

What is a quilt?

I am assuming a notion to quilt. If you heard someone say they have a notion to quilt that could mean that they are wanting to make quilts, or want to start quilting etc. A quilting notion is something used in the creation of making a quilt. Threads, rulers, templates, making pens, etc are considered a quilting notion.

What are the examples of temporary stitches?

a permanent stitch is when you are sure what you want to so you permanent stitch it which should hold there for a very long time

What is the medica term for stitches?


What are some examples of joining stitches in sewing?

back stitches, machine . running stitches

What does quilting involve?

While there are many different styles and techniques of quilting, all processes involve a few basic steps. 1. Creating the top layer of the quilt (quilt top). This can be one whole piece of fabric or many different pieces, joined together in countless patterns. 2. Joining the three layers of the quilt together, or basting. The quilt top, batting (center layer usually made of cotton, polyester, or wool insulation), and backing (back layer of fabric, usually one whole piece) are layered on top of one another and joined by safety pins (the traditional method), adhesive spray, or fusible batting. 3. Sewing the three layers together-- this is called quilting. Once the three layers are basted into a "quilt sandwich", hand or machine stitches permanently hold the three layers together. Quilting patterns can be very simple straight stitches from one end to the other, ranging to very complex, intricate patterns. 4. The last step is binding. In this step, a long strip of fabric is sewn around the perimeter, closing and finishing the quilt.

How many stitches do you have?

i think we have 200,900 stitches

Kinds of stitches?

what are the 12 kinds of stitches

How do you use a sentence for stitches?

The doctor will remove my stitches in three more days. That comedian's stories kept us in stitches! The seamstress stitches patches today!

What is the collective noun for stitches?

A row if stitches or a clump of stitches are some collective nouns that could be used.

What are the stitches called on a baseball?

Simply stitches