

What is the ulnar groove?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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The ulnar groove also known as the ulnar sulcus is a slight depression found at the inferior, posterior, medial side of the humerus bone. The ulnar nerve runs downwards in the ulnar groove to go to the ulna.

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Q: What is the ulnar groove?
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Why does it tingle when you hit your funny bone?

it is due to the presence of the ulnar nerve located at the groove in the medial side of the elbow. It is called as a "funny nerve" not a funny bone.

How do you relieve a trapped nerve?

The answer truly depends on the severity of the ulnar entrapment and the location of the ulnar nerve entrapment. Milder ulnar nerve entrapments can sometimes be relieved with physical therapy and bracing the arm in a position that lessens pressure on the ulnar nerve. Moderate entrapments of the ulnar nerve may respond to physical therapy combined with a steroid injection to relieve inflammation. More severe entrapments may require surgical interventions. The most common location for an ulnar nerve entrapment is at the elbow, this is called an ulnar neuropathy at the elbow (UNE). When this is severe the surgical procedure that is utilized is referred to as a surgical transposition of the ulnar nerve & involves moving the ulnar nerve from the back of the elbow to the front of the elbow. Speak with a neuromuscular specialist regarding your case if you feel that you have an ulnar entrapment, and always keep in mind that you may want to get a second opinion. Be prepared for the possibility of an electrodiagnostic examination. This test would help determine if ulnar nerve is involved, where along the ulnar nerve the lesion is, & how severe the ulnar nerve lesion is.

Can shoulder impingement cause ulnar nerve damage?

Sure. The ulnar nerve begins at the brachial plexus ... which is in your arm-pit.

Where is the ulnar notch located?

The radius

What important structure passes below the medial condyle of the humerus?

The ulnar nerve passes below the medial condyle of the humerus. The ulnar nerve is commonly known as the "funny bone."

Related questions

When palpation of which bony landmark helps locate the ulnar nerve?

In the groove between the head of the ulna and the olecranon process at the elbow; at the medial epicondyle of the humerus.

Why does it tingle when you hit your funny bone?

it is due to the presence of the ulnar nerve located at the groove in the medial side of the elbow. It is called as a "funny nerve" not a funny bone.

What is Gion's canal part of the body?

" The ulnar canal or ulnar tunnel, also called Guyon's canal, is a space at the wrist between the pisiform bone and the hamatebone through which the ulnar artery and the ulnar nerve travel into the hand. " It is on Wikipedia.

Ulnar vein is a deep vein or superficial vein?

The ulnar vein is a deep vein.

What are the major deep veins of the forearm on the medial and lateral side?

Ulnar and Radial

Which meridian has a point on the ulnar side of the ring finger?

There is no meridian associated with the ulnar side of the ring finger. The ulnar side of the little finger is associated with the Small Intestine meridian.

What nerve runs through the elbow?

"In human anatomy, the ulnar nerve is a nerve which runs near the ulna bone. The ulnar collateral ligament of elbow joint is in relation with the ulnar nerve." -

Blood from the right brachial artery travel to what two vessels?

Radial and Ulnar

What vessel receives blood from the ulnar vein?

the brachial vein receives blood for the ulnar and radial veins.

How do you relieve a trapped nerve?

The answer truly depends on the severity of the ulnar entrapment and the location of the ulnar nerve entrapment. Milder ulnar nerve entrapments can sometimes be relieved with physical therapy and bracing the arm in a position that lessens pressure on the ulnar nerve. Moderate entrapments of the ulnar nerve may respond to physical therapy combined with a steroid injection to relieve inflammation. More severe entrapments may require surgical interventions. The most common location for an ulnar nerve entrapment is at the elbow, this is called an ulnar neuropathy at the elbow (UNE). When this is severe the surgical procedure that is utilized is referred to as a surgical transposition of the ulnar nerve & involves moving the ulnar nerve from the back of the elbow to the front of the elbow. Speak with a neuromuscular specialist regarding your case if you feel that you have an ulnar entrapment, and always keep in mind that you may want to get a second opinion. Be prepared for the possibility of an electrodiagnostic examination. This test would help determine if ulnar nerve is involved, where along the ulnar nerve the lesion is, & how severe the ulnar nerve lesion is.

When was Groove Phi Groove created?

Groove Phi Groove was created on 1962-10-12.

Name the arteries that form an anastomosis around the elbow?

Radial Recurrent, Ulnar Recurrent, Radial Collateral, Ulnar Collateral.