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The ulnar nerve passes below the medial condyle of the humerus. The ulnar nerve is commonly known as the "funny bone."

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Q: What important structure passes below the medial condyle of the humerus?
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What structure on the humerus is most medial?

The medial epicondyle is the most medial structure of the humerus. The trochlea is the second.

The medial condyle of the femur articulates with the medial condyle of the?

The medial condyle of the tibia

What is medial femoral condyle and can it be treated?

The medial femoral condyle is a normal part of the human body.

What is the distal medial process of the humerus?

The trochlea is the medial process of the humerus. The humerus articulates with the ulna at the trochlea.

Why is the medial condyle larger than the lateral condyle?

The medial condyle is the larger than the lateral condyle is larger because it bears more weight. This additional burden requires a larger and stronger base.

is the humerus medial or lateral?

The ulna is medial. It's important to remember anatomical position when determining the directional terms for the lower arm.

What is the name of the lateral condyle on the humerus?

the distal end of the humerus has two smooth condyles. the lateral one, called the CAPITULUM is shaped somewhat like a wide tire and articulates with the radius. the medial one, called the TROCHLEA is pulleylike and articulates with the ulna.

Is the sternum lateral to the humerus?

No. The sternum is superior to the descending colon.

How do you differentiate medial and lateral condyle of femur bone without marker?

If you are viewing the entire bone, you can differentiate the medial and lateral condyles by noting that the medial condyle is on the side with the head of the femur, and the lateral is on the side with the greater trochanter. If you have only the distal end of the femur available, then you can differentiate the condyles by noting that the medial condyle is longer and the lateral condyle is wider.

What is the raised area of the condyle?

Medial Epicondlye

Knuckle-like process at the end of a bone?

The medial and lateral condyle? It is the part of the bone that makes sort of an "M" shape.