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Q: What is the unique structure of a water molecule?
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What is the basis for the unique properties that are attributed to the water molecule?

Its structure

What is the structure of a water molecule?


How does the structure of a water molecule affect its properties?

Because the water molecule is bent, it is polar

How water temperature affects the structure?

The structure of the molecule remain unchanged.

What describes the structure of a water molecule?


Why is water a unique molecule?

it is a mix of o2 and h2o

How does the structure of water explain the physical and chemical properties of water?

The molecule structure of water has a strong bond, therefore water is a very stable compound. The structure has also a lot of hydrogen bridges, which add to its stability. Because of that and so much more, water has its unique properties. And it's because of its molecular structure that life on earth was even developed in the first place.

Why is the structure of water molecule polar?

A water molecule is polar because there is an uneven distribution of electrons between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms.

A DNA molecule has a unique design that resembles a spiral staircase Scientists call this design?

A DNA molecule has a unique design that resembles a spiral staircase that scientist call a double helix. DNA is a two stranded and is a winding chemical structure.

Why is a structure of a molecule polar?

A water molecule is polar because there is an uneven distribution of electrons between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms.

A DNA molecule has a unique design that resembles a spiral staircasescientists call this design?

A DNA molecule that resembles a spiral staircase is called a double helix. The double helix is formed as a consequence of its secondary structure. This is an important component in helping determine its tertiary structure.

Describe the structure of the water molecule and indicate how this structure is responsible for many of the unique properties of this vital compound?

Water is a simple triatomic molecule. Each O-H covalent bond in the water molecule is polar. Because of its greater electronegativity, the oxygen atom attracts the electron pair of the covalent O-H bond and acquires a partial negative charge. The hydrogen atoms, being less electronegative than the oxygen, acquire a partial positive charge. The atoms of the water molecule are joined at a 105 angle. As a result, the partial charges on the individual atoms do not cancel one another and the molecule is polar. Because water molecules are polar, they attract one another. The hydrogen of one molecule is attracted to the oxygen of another molecule. This attraction is termed hydrogen bonding and it is stronger than other polar attractions.