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Q: What is the unit of storage that represents one 8 bits?
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Which memory unit is equal to one character?

One byte (8 bits) represents a character .

What is the official unit of data?

The official unit of data is the byte. A byte is made of 8 bits and is the amount of computer storage space needed to store one character of information.

How many bits in 1 .mhz?

'hz' refers to a frequency, not a unit of storage, while the word 'bits' refers to a fraction of a unit of computer storage. Therefore, this question has no logical answer. Further, the use of a lower case 'm' may denote a unit of one millionth of a unit (as in 'micro' terms), while an upper-case 'M' may specify one million units (as in 'mega' terms). This asks the question, then, 'What was the questioner looking for?'

What is byte addressable memory?

a byte is abasic storage unit in memory. when application program instructions and data are transferd to memory from storage devices. byte addressable memory refers to memory address that is accessed one byte (8 bits) at a time as opposed to 2 byte(16 bits), 4 byte(32 bits) or 8 byte(64 bits) addressable memory.

What exactly is a byte?

A byte is the smallest data unit of modern binary computers. It represents either a 1 or a 0. Bits are compiled into a set of eight bits, known as a byte. Bytes represent one piece of data, such as a single letter, etc.

How much is 1 byte?

A byte = 8 bits. A bit = either a 1 or a 0 ("on" or "off") A bit is the smallest unit of measure for data. 1/0 = bit 4 bits = nibble 8 bits = byte 1024 bytes = kilobyte 1024 kilobytes = megabyte 1024 megabytes = gigabyte 1024 gigabytes = terabyte.

Smallest unit of storage in computer?

One bit.

How to assemble a metal storage unit?

How does one go about putting together a metal storage unit? Do they come pre manufactured, or do you assemble them on your property?

Why does the letter A take up one byte?

A byte is the smallest unit of storage. Mostly anything you do can take up a byte.

What is a byte and a bit?

AnswerA byte is made up of eight bits. A bit is a single state, usually represented by a 0 or a 1. Using binary code, eight bits can be used to represent characters numbers and other items. A bit is a single numeric value, either '1' or '0', that encodes a single unit of digital information. A byte is a sequence of bits; usually eight bits equal one byte.

How do you convert KB to bits?

There are 8 bits to 1 byte. One K represents 1,024 bytes. Therefore, 1 KB is equal to the following: 8 x 1,024 = 8,192 bits

What means 106 bytes?

A byte is composed of 8 bits and represents one character of computer code.