

What is the unit used to measure the mass of an elephant?

Updated: 5/22/2022
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8y ago

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Knowing the local acceleration of gravity, a scale can be used to measure the mass of

an elephant. After the measurement has been accomplished and the results obtained,

the mass may be recorded, described, and reported to others in any unit of mass. Some

units will result in numbers that are inconveniently large or small, and therefore difficult

to write, report, and remember. In the case of an elephant, the most convenient unit will

most likely turn out to be either the kilogram or the metric ton.

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Chaz Stroman

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Q: What is the unit used to measure the mass of an elephant?
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Kilograms would be used to measure the mass of an elephant.

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You can use any unit to measure mass. I presume you mean a unit which will make the number a sensible size. Either kilograms or tonnes can be used, you just put the decimal point in a different place. The average mass of a female Asian elephant is about 2700 kg, or 2.7 tonnes, and a bull African elephant is about 5500 kg or 5.5 tonnes.

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The official SI unit for mass is the kilogram.

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