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Q: What is the universal energy molecule called?
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What is the universal energy molecule?

The universal energy molecule is called ATP or adenosine triphosphate. It is often referred to as the energy currency of the cell.

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The molecule is known as the universal energy source of the cell?


What are three molecules inside mitochondria?

They generate ATP molecules.ATPs are universal currency of energy.

What energy molecule teal is restored as a product of cellular respiration?

Energy is stored in ATP. It is the universal currency of energy.

The transfer of energy from molecule to molecule is called?

The transfer of energy from molecule to molecule is called conduction. In this process, kinetic energy is passed from one molecule to another through direct contact.

What are the energy molecule that is produced by cellular respiration and used in metabolic reactions?

ATPs are produce in respiration.they are the universal energy currency.

What is the energy of the energy molecule of the cell called?

ATP is the engergy molecule used through out the body for energy. It is produced in the mitochondria of the cell.

What energy from foods is not used directly it is stored in a high energy molecule called?

The high energy molecule is called ATP or Adenesine Tri Phosphate which is produced when glucose is broken down.

What molecule is made by mitochondria that provides power to the cell?

The molecule made by mitochondria that provides power to cells is adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP.

What is the ionizaton energy present example?

The energy required to remove electron from atom are called ionization energy. Larger atom or molecule have lower ionization energy and molecule have higher ionization energy.

What is energy molecule of A cell called?

ATP/ Adenosine Triphosphate