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The first back bone is called as atlas. The Atlas is said to have lifted the earth. This atlas 'lifts' the skull.

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2d ago

The uppermost vertebrae is called the atlas. It is the first cervical vertebra located at the top of the spine, just below the skull. It is named after the Greek Titan Atlas, who held up the celestial spheres.

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Q: What is the uppermost vertebrae called as?
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What is the first cervical vertebrae in the neck?

The atlas is the uppermost vertebrae in the neck.

Why is the uppermost vertebrae is called atlas?

From Greek mythology, because it supports the 'globe' of the head.

What is the scientific name neck bone?

They are called vertebrae. Specifically in the neck they are called cervical vertebrae, the lower back are called lumbar vertebrae and the mid back around the ribcage are called thoracic vertebrae.

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The lowest thoracic and uppermost lumbar vertebrae are broken into multiple pieces.

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the individual bones of the spine are called "Vertebrae"

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What are the vertebrae in the neck region called?

The vertebrae in the neck region are called cervical vertebrae. There are seven cervical vertebrae labeled C1 to C7, with C1 being closest to the skull and C7 being closest to the thoracic vertebrae.

What are the backbones called?

They are called vertebrae.

What are the five fused vertebrae with which the hip bones move called?

The five vertebrae that are fused within the pelvic bones are the sacral vertebrae, as well as a few vestigal caudal vertebrae that are called the coccyx in humans.

How many bones in the cervical vertebrae?

There are seven cervical (C1-C7) vertebrae. The top two are unique in form and number three through seven are similar in morphology. The uppermost is the atlas (C1) which supports the skull, and the next is the axis (C2), where much if the rotation takes place. The body of the atlas is the odontoid process of the axis (c2), and the atlas (c1) rotates around this.