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umm i think its bouyancy ... idek if i spelled that right ... adios ...!!! have a nice day ... or night ...???

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Q: What is the upward force produced by an airplane?
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Is the upward force on a airplane wing is thrust?

Thrust is the forward motion of the airplane provided by the engines. Lift is the upward force on an airplanes wing.

Is the upward force on a airplane wing a thrust?

No. We call the upward component of force "lift"."Thrust" is the component of force forward ... the direction the plane's nose points.

The upward force acting on the wing of an airplane in flight is called?


What is the upward force due to fluid flow around an airplane wing?

Dont know maybe density force.

Is the upward force of an airplane called thrust?

Not, it is called lift. And trust is the power generated by the engines.

Which direction does a buoyant force act in?

A buoyant force is produced when an object is completely or partially submerged in a fluid at rest .

What force makes it difficult for an airplane to gain altitude fly upward?

These forces are called drag and gravity. Gravity is the downward force on the plane, keeping it from flying, but if the lift, the opposing force, is strong enough, you will achieve flight. Drag is the force pulling you back, making it harder to go forward. This force is produced by air pressure on the front of the plane. The opposing force in this case is thrust, which makes the plane move forward.

What is the upward force acting on the wing of an airplane in flight?

It's called "lift" and is the difference in air pressure between above and below the wing.

Is the upward force that opposes the force of gravity?

Lift is the upward force that opposes the force of gravity.

What fluid opposes lift?

Compressible fluid force opposes lift. Lift is the upward force due to the fluid flow around an airplane wing. Weight is a downward force caused by gravity which opposes lift.

An upward force on a plane is called?

'Lift' is an upward force on a plane. Upward force on a bird's wings is also called 'Lift'.

How does the upward force of the ice on the puck compare with the upward force when the puck is sitting permanently at rest?

The upward force is the same in both directions.